Schedule a Coaching or Consultation Call with Dr. Morgan

Neurodivergent Affirming Coaching 

This is for adults who are looking for one-on-one coaching from someone who understands the unique ways that neurodivergent brains work. Neurodivergent Affirming Coaching is available for adults and parents. I will help you understand how the brain works and how you can use that knowledge to best support yourself and/or your child. 

  • Adult Coaching 

    • How your unique brain is wired 

    • How your neurodivergence may be impacting you 

    • Identifying and maximizing your unique strengths 

    • Strategies to support and accommodate yourself

  • Parent Coaching 

    • How to think about your child’s neurodivergence 

    • Parenting support from someone who understands the unique joys and challenges of parenting neurodivergent kids 

    • Problem-solving specific areas of difficulty 

    • Identifying parenting strategies that are a good fit for how your child processes the world   

*NOTE- Parent coaching does not involve any document review. If you have questions about understanding their diagnostic report, IEP changes, etc., please select the consultation package below. 

Price- $250 for the first one-hour call.

Consultation Package 

This consultation package is for parents seeking an informed thought partner to help them think through the next steps for their child. 

Maybe you are:

  • Trying to make sense of a new diagnosis and determine next steps 

  • Concerned about your child, but the school says they are “doing fine”.

  • The school reaches out and says they are concerned, and you are trying to figure out what to do next. 

  • Concerned that your child’s IEP or 504 are not providing enough or the right types of supports 

  • Looking for additional support and feedback through a transition (like moving from elementary to middle school)

As part of this consultation package, Dr. Morgan will:

  • Review your child’s history, family details, and any relevant documentation, such as their evaluation report, IEP, or 504.  

  • On a 90-minute call, Dr. Morgan will hear about your child, your family, and your specific concerns. 

  • Dr. Morgan will help identify neurodivergent-affirming strategies to address your specific concerns.  

  • You and Dr. Morgan will work together to identify tangible next steps for your child.

  • After your 90-minute call, additional time is available for check-ins and support as needed.

Price- $600

Neurodivergent Affirming Therapy 

  • Dr. Morgan occasionally has openings in her therapeutic practice for neurodivergent teens, young adults, and adults.

  • Currently, it is only available to people who live in the state of Colorado. 

  • Most availability is during the day, during the week.

Email for more information.